By Rondo, Poet, Balladeer Hello Friends, This past few days has been such fun... playing with words, ditties and rhyming couplets and all that goes with them. Know that I am far from done.... I have more up my sleeves (or would if I had sleeves). There is more to come though so stay tuned. The reaction to my first poetry blog was amazing and as I'd promised to respond in verse I followed through. Such fun it was but then I got myself into trouble AGAIN. Seems to be my forte. Three young beauties from the Many Claws in St Croix crew admired my poetry. That was something I'd never expected or experienced before and it kind of went to my head as you'll see...and I fear that I'll be banned from the sandy shores of the Virgin Islands for many a while ... 'pologies Aunty M and gentle ladies.. so here it is... Octavia, Grizabella, Rosamund Octavia with your bib so bright You shine among us in the night Down yonder strand your whiskers tickle On sand I kiss you. Oh what a pickle! For there are others here to woo Like Rosamund sitting there so blue I must go cheer her this fine night But more there are. Oh what a plight. Sweet Grizabella I would adore Upon this sandy ‘lantic shore But in this deep now have I got To woo three maids in one fell shot. I must to Frodo send my plea To bring his ‘board and help me flee Back to the shores of house and home And for a while no more to roam. ********* You laugh at 'sisters' Frodo, my boy But don't they give you loads of joy When admiring you they give a lick Of fur dishevelled and not so slick? I'd seek some such attention mellow If only I weren't fickle fellow I shall adore them from afar For all of them I do admire. Octavia, to her I gave a kiss But Rosamund, oh what sweet bliss! Now Grizabella, she is a charmer A peck off whom I once did garner. But then I got me into trouble I burst balloons and each ones' bubble. So I just got a text from VI. Tears are falling in bucketsful and MP (MummyPerson, my Aunty M) and Frodo keep swapping buckets and racing back and forth to the pool to dump gallons of tears into it. I hope MP is looking forward to having a salt-water pool. I think in future I'd best behave... Well, at least until after dinner's been served. Comments are welcomed. Keep them light and fun though.
by Rondo, chronicler, poet and mischief maker Dear friends, It has been a long time, a VERY LONG Time since we have had the scribe activate those long digits of hers and put our tales into a blog. Our apologies. We still have to complete the return episode of our delinquent Miss Whiskers' escapade to Austria but let's leave that for another day, shall we?. In the meantime I, Rondo, poet and chronicler of family mischief plan to take over this medium for my ramblings. We'll see how long that lasts with this fickle family of mine but for today and the near future... I'm the family spokescat and think I shall start with ME as the topic. Now you may not know but I am a poet. Yes, this has been downplayed somewhat in the past. BUT... You must know I am a sensitive guy. I love to sing and talk. If you were unaware then, somewhere in our past blogs it has been touched on should you desire to investigate. Briefly though, the five AM morning gathering of the neighbourhood birds and our family to wake Grammy was my idea and I have done and continue to carry it out frequently - most often in spring and summer when the windows are open. Well, I'll have you know these morning vespers go paw in paw with poetry... whether rhyming or free-style. Yes, they do. At least in my estimation they do. And so, without further ado I give you a poem about my favourite topic, ME. (Just kidding, bees and birds are my favourite topics.) but I'm up there near the top of the list. An Ode to Me - Rondo Of rhyming words and lilting cheer Singer, poet and balladeer Rondo am I - big and round. I spout my ditties and love the sound Of birds 'n bees of which I write About their work while still in flight. Of hum and buzz while on the wing, I love to dream and then to sing! ********** Oh dear friends, we love to hear your thoughts and comments so please don't hesitate. Please keep it light and lots of fun And we'll respond when you are done. |
AuthorFive Cats, Five Personalities, One Goal - Mischief & Mayhem. Archives
August 2023