By Gentle Mouse, Weather Watcher and Cheeky Mischief. Well, dear friends. Here I am all snuggled in my condo, tuque on and mittens at paw. Note my own personal heaters - one beside me on the ledge and the other under my laptop so it doesn't freeze up on me. *giggles* We thought the cold a few weeks ago was bad. Now it's cold, snow blizzardy AND we can't get rid of Grammy for the day. Ooops! Scratch that. We are stuck with Grammy at home! Oh no! That sounds bad too. Okay, let's try this one. Today is a day where Grammy must stay home and we will all cuddle up together with blankets and pillows and just snuggle and nap in toasty bliss. Yes, that sounds better. We might even let Grammy knit between naps. Oh GRAMMYYYYYYYYYYYY! Put on a fresh pot of coffee for yourself, hot apple cider for us and bring kitty treats. Sweetie and I are piling up the blankets on the sofa while Rondo and Etude pile up the extra pillows from the bedroom. We should all fit, don't you think? We promise to shift over for you. MORE PILLOWS, BOYS!!!
by the M&M crew - Whiskers, Mousie, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo. Good Day, dear friends. Times are chaotic and there is so much going on in the world right now. We have chosen to stay calm and while concerned, not panic. Grammy too!
As Grammy says, Be safe, stay calm and have faith sanity will return. Now, why did we have others do the running around? Not because of the pandemic but because Grammy was put on a steroid regimen for her fatigue and pain and then told to stay home to protect her immune system. That means we have Grammy 24/7 for the foreseeable future. Yahoooooo! Lots of lap time, snuggles, grooming, more snuggles and cuddles BUT, The downside is.... the camera is never turned off. When it is on the charger she knits ... and what did she knit yesterday? Two hats! Just ask Sweetie what she thinks about that. *giggles* *scowl from Sweetie* Or maybe better not to ask! So we'll tell you... She's got her knickers in a knit, or is that a knot? Whatever the term is the little miss is not amused. Oh my! I wonder if she's related to Queen Victoria. She used to say that a lot. "We are not amused!" Well, we all think she looks adorable in the hats but we daren't say so. The look she gave Grammy! It's a wonder Grammy is still alive and kicking. So, as we said, we have Grammy to ourselves. So far she's cooked a stew, a meatloaf - enough for a few weeks, a rice pudding and plans to make granola. We caught her looking up knitting projects. Oh no! Not kitty sweaters! Please, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! When she settles down to rest we plan to cuddle up with her; when she sits in her chair at the computer or knitting we'll take turns to slink into her lap, settle in for the duration and nap or more likely steal the mouse or nibble the yarn and needles. We do like to be paws-on! So, looks like we have the old girl to ourselves for the foreseeable future. Let's hope she knits gowns and hats for the hospital, not outfits for us. Our fur suits suit us just fine. Well, I guess that's all for today, dear friends. Stay safe, check on your neighbours, elderly family and friends. Help where and how you can. AND smile even if you are home alone. It will lift your spirits and someone else's should they see it. We love you. The M&M Crew at Mischief and Mayhem Central Comments are always welcome. Keep it light and full of mirth. by Mousie, lover of kisses and cuddle trainee Good morning, friends. You may remember our blog about Grammy's cuddling written this past December. If not, you may read it here. Well, the cuddling saga continues. Grammy has had her training and is ready to go but before I get into that let me tell you something even more monumental than that. I am becoming a cuddle kitten. Yes, you read this correctly. I, the wee timid Mousie, am learning to cuddle with Grammy. It has only taken me eight years to reach such a comfort level... and I still prefer to make the decision to do so but Grammy is thrilled - like over the moon thrilled. For the past six months I've demanded kisses from Grammy before I allow her into her bed and then demand a multi-kiss tax in the morning as she's making the bed and serving our breakfast. Works every time and I get a head pat or two as well. BONUS! During the afternoon the back of Grammy's chair is my preferred seat while she is working on the computer or knitting. You may ask why the back of the chair... and I'll tell you. Grammy's heating pad for her back stretches up and over the back and I love, Love, LOVE to be warm. But, also I like sitting there because I can hop onto the arm of the chair to demand extra kisses if a window should open up. And guess what I discovered! Grammy has a soft, cushy lap. The only problem with it is... there is only one and there are five of us. Do you know how hard it is to get lap time? At one time I didn't care but now that I do it has been challenging. Routines have been set and those siblings dislike change. A girl has to be ready to slip in on a moment's notice! One Grammy, 5 of us, two of whom are lap hogs. Yes, Etude and Mummy Whiskers demand more lap time that the rest of us. Mummy says she should have more because she's the eldest and has priority; Etude's reasoning is that he's the largest and so can keep Grammy warm the best... an unselfish gesture on his part. Well, let me tell you... Nothing altruistic about it... he knows Grammy will stop knitting and give him ear twizzles interspersed with chin and head rubs as he gazes adoringly at her. Now, Sweetie and Rondo are more fair about it. Rondo only sits on the arm of the chair when he wants food. He's no lap cat. He thinks that is unmanly and beneath a cat of his stature. Oh, he'll bounce on the lap while passing from one chair arm to the other as he howls for his meals but sit in it... not a chance. Sweetie demands cuddles with Grammy as she's drinking her morning coffee because if a girl can sneak in a lick or two of 'the joe' all the better. If she misses that window she may come back later in the day and whisper in Grammy's ear as she naps, 'Coffee, Grammy' hoping the subliminal message gets through. If or when it works she's in there quick as a bunny for her requisite cuddles, snuggles and nuzzle time. Now, I only seek cuddles on my terms. I do not demand. No, I'm a gentle cat. Grammy must be knitting something that requires a super amount of concentration so she won't be tempted to confine me tightly in her arms. That's when I slink down off the back of the chair, weasel my way onto her lap and under her knitting and pop my head up between her and the knitting and start kissing her cheek. If I'm lucky she'll absentmindedly stop knitting and scratch my head between the ears, and down my back to the base of my tail. Ooooh, I do love to have a good scratch there. On occasion I'll settle on the lap... as long as she doesn't try to fold me in her arms. Don't get me wrong. I do allow Grammy to wrap her arms around me for a cuddle but only if she's leaning over me on the bed. Then I still feel I'm in control and I can usually get in a couple more kisses and the occasional lick of her cheek. But ooooh, I do love those tail scratches and have occasionally settled in until Grammy's back has said 'enough!' Ignore your back, Grammy. Keep scratching! Oh, and back to Grammy and her cuddle training... she's graduated, on call and ready to go but in addition to cuddles it looks like she's going to be teaching knitting at the hospital too... Isn't that the grandest? On the other hand... how will we get our requisite cuddle time? Hmmmm! Not so sure about this! I'll have to give it more thought. Comments are welcome.... light and fun! by Sweetie, intrepid protector of the family. Good morning, friends. Well, life is never dull around Mischief and Mayhem Central. Never! Sunday mornings when Grammy needs to be at church for 9 AM she is up at 5. It takes the old girl a few hours to limber up the old joints and her first pickup is usually between 7 and 7:30. Well, Saturday night Grammy was up around 2ish for whatever reason and suddenly there was a loud bang and everything went DARK... and SILENT. The power was out. Now that means a number of things.... Primarily … No lights! No heating! and No morning alarm! No trickling water fountains! No humming refrigerator! and No quiet music to keep us calm through the night. Oh my.... and possibly NO COFFEE! Oh the horror of it all! Most of these are not a problem and can be dealt with … but the alarm!. To get Grammy up at 5 AM at least 3 alarms are mandatory. The home phone alarm was out, for power, no phone. Then there is the iPad alarm... fortunately multiple alarms can be set on it... just had to hope it was charged enough to last the night. Then the Android phone... which was an issue... it had been put on the charger for the night and would have gone off... but with the charger out of commission there was no guarantee that it wouldn't be dead by morning. What a dilemma. The lack of lights was not an issue. It seems that the power outage was limited to our condo complex so lights from other buildings, street lamps and such were enough for Grammy to get her bearings. The problem it turned out was US - Mouse and Whiskers are dark, the backs of the boys and yours truly are dark too - and Grammy couldn't see us scooting around the floor and had to step carefully.... because of course, most of us had to stick close to Grammy to protect her and were 'underfoot'. AND I was on duty patrolling the perimeter to be sure nothing attempted to breach the ramparts. To add to the chaos Rondo was howling like a banshee! Yes, he does not like the dark. Thankfully, Grammy has three flashlights strategically placed for emergencies so she shuffled across the floor, brushing against furry bodies but not stepping on toes to the closet and then 'the light came on!' No, not the power, just the flashlight. But it was enough to see us and dance around us and enough to stop Rondo's howling. So, light taken care of, Grammy's next concern... would there be hot water for a shower in the morning? No hot water, no shower! No shower, well, we wouldn't like to think about those consequences. No siree. Gross, to say the least. With that, and just to be sure, Grammy grabbed a second flashlight and tucked it into the drawer beside the bed and then crawled in. Of course, no power, no she called us all to snuggle on the bed to keep each other warm... and for the rest of the night was in semi-alert mode listening for the power to come on, or if not the power... for the 5 AM alarm... so not much restorative sleep. At 5 AM all was still silent except the iPAD alarm... and Grammy was wide awake. Dilemma! Should she get up? Brrr, no heat all night and it was mighty chilly. Okay for us in our furry coats but the old girl... that was an issue... and no way could she shower under such conditions... so we all opted to stay in bed...including Grammy... and Alarm 2 went off at 5:10, and a third at 5:15. Still no light, no heat and no coffee. No sense climbing out from under that toasty duvet but the wait was unbearable. The old girl needed time to get ready unlike us who keep ourselves perpetually groomed for whatever. Finally, 6:15 we heard another big CLUNK, some whirring and the nightlights and the refrigerator all came on... the power was back! Grammy made a mad dash to the kitchen and put on her brew, fed us then got ready to go out the door... though she was a little stiff in the joints. Like I said... never a dull moment. Now, for those of you who's email addresses we have, we sent out the e-cards this morning... and it turns out for some there is a problem. The cards use Flash and of course, it doesn't work on iPads or Apple devices and now seems to have a security issue in Windows 10 so unfortunately you cannot see the card and the photos. BUT we have a solution for the card itself. Send an email to [email protected] and Grammy will take a screen shot of the card with one photo and send it back to you. We apologize for this. The good news is that Jacquie Lawson is working on converting all older versions of cards to the new format so hopefully in future this won't be an issue. Meantime, Grammy is happy to do this. Well, that's it for this week, friends. Stay tuned for our Christmas post next Monday and have a wonderful week. We love you! Sweetie, intrepid defender of the home turf. Comments are always welcomed, friends... especially the ones with humour, mischief and fun.. By Whiskers, family groomer and matriarch of mischief Well friends, we haven't seen Grammy glow this much since we adopted her. She is embarking on another adventure. When she 'retired' became a volunteer with a blind lady (we call her Aunty L) and that volunteer relationship has developed into a wonderful friendship in which they see each other twice a week. Then she decided to become a foster mom for kitties and did some other volunteer positions within the organization. This is where we beautiful, adorable, sweet, loveable, mischievous kitties came from. You may read our biographies under BIOS above should you like to know our stories. During volunteering with the adoption organization Grammy joined Facebook and expanded her main page into two more... our family page, Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo and Sweetie's page Sweet Cecily Kitten's Tips to share her delightful furry felines (that's us) with you. This has become a part-time job where she does posts almost every day... including Wacky Wednesday, Thursday's Cat Joke of the Week and Friends and Family Fridays. Then as if that wasn't enough we dreamed up the blog idea in 2014 and here we are. Well, you know, we do like to keep her busy and out of mischief. Then the old dear decided to take up knitting... an appropriate Grammy job, don't you think? She started with making small items for sale (hats and scarves), opened both a Facebook and an Etsy site called Grammy Ds Knitting Bag and sold some things... but is finding word-of-mouth exposure is getting her more sales than the Etsy site. Well, that wasn't keeping her busy enough, so what to do? What to do? MORE VOLUNTEER WORK! She started knitting for our local hospital... the same hospital that her medical clinic is affiliated with. Most likely if you follow us on Facebook you know she knits hats for the Cancer ward and preemie angel gowns for the Neonatal ward. As if that isn't enough... last week she asked about their Baby Cuddler program, who to talk to about it and what steps to take to become involved. Well, it turns out this is an on-call program which suits Grammy to a tee. So the paperwork arrived today for Grammy to fill out and submit. First she has to get all her immunization information up to date. The process is much more complicated than just filling out the form. Since Grammy is ANCIENT (oops, scratch that before Grammy reads it) there are few documented records of her immunity. She has had all those childhood illnesses that kids got eons ago but long before vaccines when they started to track these things. So she now has to go and have all the titres done. Luckily, she has a follow-up appointment with her family doctor very soon so she'll pass along the form with the requirements and start the process. Looks like it may take until January 2019 before titres and paperwork are all in place.... then LOOK OUT BABIES! The cuddle-muffin will be on-call. So what does that mean for us? Well, since it is an on-call service, we don't know. It may mean we see a lot less of the old dear. It may only be for a couple of hours here and there as a mother needs assistance cuddling her baby. If so, that won't impact us very much. Now that can be good or bad. Only occasionally at the cuddler program and we continue to get all the cuddles and such that we already get. Busy cuddling babies and we become cuddle deprived ourselves. OR on the bright side, we'll have more time to get into mischief. I think we should write to the moms at the hospital and say, 'Demand lots of cuddle time from Grammy.' What say you, M&M Crew - shall we start planning our mischief? Look out 2019... you won't know what hit you! Comments are always welcomed, especially if they are light and fun. |
AuthorFive Cats, Five Personalities, One Goal - Mischief & Mayhem. Archives
August 2023