by Rondo, Poet and Balladeer Well, hello again. Hope you liked Sweetie's blog last week. It was sweet. Not bad for a little floof. Actually, I think it was pretty good. Well, finally we have had a week of warmer weather. Thus the inspiration to create more Spring poetry. I tell you, this spring has been more like winter here... and we are so in need of warmth and sunshine. So, in honour of Spring and everything that brings to mind... a little poem or two. Let's share them here with you and maybe we can encourage Spring to stay if we all think of Spring, gardening, and all that they entail. What do you say? Late April 2018 The snow is melting quicker now Revealing greens peeking low; Amongst the ice and mud they peek. It is the warmth of sun they seek. Blue amongst the grass I see Grape Hyacinths, an early bee Greet morning sun, dispelling gloom. Such glorious colour, delightful hum. Snowdrops so white as buds do ope’ Show promise of spring. It gives me hope For April’s upon us warm and bold. Relinquish, Winter! Release your hold! ‘Tis time to rest for another year You’ll descend on us soon enough I fear For now head off to places far Give us a chance to smell the flower. Spring at last The leaf it buds upon the tree It makes me hum; I feel such glee That snow is spent; now grasses grow Amid the flowers, a verdant show. Outdoors I’ll be in spirit, though For in big city we cats don’t go Beyond the sill and window pane It isn’t safe so we home remain. But there we listen with deep intent To birds asinging. We are content To watch them soar as they go past Delighting in their joy. Spring, at last! © Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo - Mischief and Mayhem Central Dear friends, We welcome comments but let's keep them light and full of fun.
by Sweetie, the recently turned 6 years old chronicler of mischief Well, the day started out slow... yes, the day following my big party, April 2nd... 3 weeks ago. We kitties were all tired from partying with our friends... all 67 or more kitties and untold numbers of kitty moms and dads. Grammy (our scribe, maid and can-opener) was up at the crack of dawn to feed us. NOT! More like 7:30. Lazy bones! But finally we were fed and coffee was brewing. The old girl (well she is least 10 times my age and MUCH more but who's counting? oh, yeah! We are!) sat down to the laptop, logged onto the blog site and WHAMMO, the internet connection went down. Reconnect, try again. Nope. Didn't work. So, recycle the modem. Yahoo! First things first, (after feeding us and pouring coffee, that is) her paying client gets to have her blog posted. Not fair. She may pay in money (can't say green papers 'cause we're Canadian and our money comes in many colours) but we pay in biscuit-making and purrs galore... and there are 5 of us I'd say we should get priority. But it seems we have no say. Well, half-way through loading the blog the internet connection was lost AGAIN! What is this? The ISP just upgraded our service, gave us a brand new modem and what!!!? slower internet and intermittent service... we don't see the improvement. Recycle the modem... Didn't work! Restart the computer and then recycle modem again. Finally she was in business again. One blog published and shared on social media and one to go. OURS!...and that went without a hitch! Or so we thought. It published but the social media part must have been too much for Mr Modem. Everything just hung, for ages and ages. No matter what Grammy tried, nothing worked. And the old girl is frantic. She has to get knitting... yes, deadlines. Well, NOT BEFORE WE GET OUR BLOG SHARED, Scribe!. Another recycle and reboot and finally out goes the share. In the meantime, two friends have tried to connect through a PM and NOTHING! Poor Grammy.! Now we are feeling sorry for the old girl because when it finally worked again one friend had already signed off to have a nap and the other probably gave up because... well, just because. And who could blame them. So, wisely, Grammy put aside the computer saying she'd deal with it later... that other things were more pressing. Yes, definitely more pressing - on our bladders and more smelly... litterboxes! No scooping yesterday due to Grammy being gone all day and 67+ guests and us using 2 boxes... not a pretty site. And five kitties with crossed legs dancing around the boxes waiting for them to be scooped finally got her attention. Especially when one, name withheld (but starts with R) headed for the bathtub. Now, that is desperation and a first! Well, one box got scooped, scrubbed and refreshed with new litter lickety-split, used X5 and then required another super-scooping. A maid's job is never done. But at least we kitties were able to relax again. The other box immaculately cleaned soon after so all is right in kittydom again. But where does this leave Grammy? Well, mid-afternoon and very little progress on the knitting. What's wrong with you, Grammy? oh, before I forget... It took until this morning for Grammy to put together the photo of all our guests at the party which we have posted below and on Facebook. Hope you can find yourselves in there. Grammy says she'll try to tag everyone once it is posted. Comments are always welcomed... Let's keep it light and fun. By Rondo, Poet and Balladeer Well friends. I've been busy doing my poetry thing... and with the arrival of Spring my fertile brain has turned to critters that fascinate kitties. Of birds and bees have I much written And more there is to say But other creatures delight me too ‘Tis time they had their day. Now let me tell you, one of the critters we won't be writing poems of here is Moths. They have been discussed extensively in our very first blog, Moth Day so no need to rehash that at this time. Living so many floors above ground level you would assume that we don't get critters in here but let me tell you.... it isn't so. Of course, we expect the bees, bugs, butterflies and birds attracted to the garden pots but not the creepy critters like ants, centipedes and spiders. These are the ones Grammy takes issue with...especially the first two... and dispatches PDQ. But the ones to follow are our favourites. They are such entertaining beasties. One you'll notice came from eavesdropping on a conversation between MP of Many Claws, Momma in Alabama and Grammy, thus the listening in part. You'll see what I mean when you read Poem 3. So, here goes... There is a creature I do adore It grows in stages; There are four. Egg to larva that crawls and eats At pace no other creature beats Leaves and such to gain its strength For stage three – when at length Its skin reforms and dormant seems. But ‘cased inside are magic dreams That to outsiders make no sense For shell they see, ‘tis plain and dense. Yet within a subtle change is made As soup reforms the old will fade ‘Til nestled safe within the shell That soon will ope’, will soon dispel A delicate beauty. As it uncurls It’s newborn self, it will unfurl As heart its veins infuse Gossamer wings of many hues. And when the wings are held up high We'll see a wondrous Butterfly. Lady bug is one more of note To me she seems a tiny joke. On wings of red and body black How does she stay aloft? How then She lights upon the flower? Yet light she does on buzzing wing Not red as thought but hid below Ailerons unfold to fly her To nibble on delicious thing. Juicy aphid on whom you dine In haste has changed nymph to brine. Wee bug of lady-name I write We cats as hunter, bug as prey More fun to tease; more to play Not like to eat you, bitter thing Though if not careful, lose a wing. And finally as told by RAINA BlueMoon’s momma and put into verse by Rondo. Ode to a Wee Mouse O sorry wee mouse whose heart Cat ate I’d watched you yonder by the gate You scampered under distant hedge Up the drive and to the ledge Of our front door. Then foolish you Your doom was set; you entered through To Cat’s domain. Regret your step Too late ‘twas noted as she leapt. Into her lair was your mistake Noon repast was uncommonly late. Your tail she caught, then you, dispatched. Distraught? Not she. Your heart detached Swiftly slid down slippery slope. Savoury morsel, you had no hope. Cat left the rest as proud she was To furnish meal for the one she loves She set it tastefully upon the mat Before the chair where I was sat. So sad was I; there was no heart But Cat responded with hearty fart. © Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo - Mischief and Mayhem Central Comments are welcomed. Let's keep it light and fun. by Rondo, poet and balladeer Dear Friends, As you know we have friends from all over US, Canada, Europe and Asia. Quite a few have special places in our furry little hearts. We won't name specific pages here but know that if we interact with you then we consider you are our friends. To name a few of the closest - there is the island crew known as Many Claws in St Croix which consists of x number of cats indoors and out, a few dogs, a couple of crabs, a plethora of wild chickens and a Mommy Person to care for them all. Four of the many are cats: Frodo and three damsels - Octavia, Rosamund and Grizabelle. Well, I wrote a poem about them a few weeks ago as the girls adore me, and why not! I am an likeable fellow. Then in Decatur, AL there is RAINA BlueMoon and her Meowmy, SAGE P Longbottom, the Grammy's dog and the extended family. If you aren't already aware let me tell you, RAINA is the songbird, hummingbird and butterfly who has smitten my chubby brother Etude. He fell for her adventurous spirit hook, line and sinker. Yes, a cliché, but oh so true. He's so smitten he's like a fish out of water - hooked. Well, I wrote about them a few weeks ago too so if you missed it, check out our past blogs. Another group live in Muddy Waters.... that's somewhere in Pennsylvania. I won't say too much here since today's poem is about them and it says it all but we have interacted longest with them. AND Mousie's dearest Cheffy, aka Little Boy Cat is one of that clan and famous in his own right.... well, you'll have to read the poem. so here it is. Enjoy! Muddy Waters In Muddy Waters there is a home Where feral cats are prone to roam For food and shelter they come to stay And once arrived they do not stray For food is good and beds are warm And safe they are, from hurt and harm. Next door is quite another group Not just one but quite a troop Moms and kits and feisty boys Lots of work but oh, such joys As safe indoors they’re free to roam On cat trees. They know they’re home. Up and down the stairs or sills They bounce and pounce and play at will. Then there’s the house where live the three 3M and Third and the tyke so wee Roscoe George his name it is Who adopted was. They are his. The one not mentioned thus so far Is Little Boy Cat, now a star In heaven’s realm we see at night As down he shines his golden light. And who looks after these groups all three? Why Tammy A and Betty B Take care of them both night and day As they feed and sleep and run and play. Truly blessed are all within their realm With both dear ladies at the helm. © Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo - Mischief and Mayhem Central Comments are always welcomed. Let's keep it fun. by Rondo, poet and balladeer Wow! April has finally arrived. Isn't that delightful? I'm so thrilled. So are Grammy and the rest of the M&M crew. This means wonderful things. Windows will open to let in the warmth of the sun and we will be able to hear the chirping birds and buzzing bees.. though the bees won't be at this elevation until Grammy plants her garden.... and that has to wait a while.. like well into May. . In the meantime, we have... "What's that Etude? You want to post a poem? You wrote a poem? When? Oh right! That thing.. that was written years ago. You really want to share it? Okay, give me a minute". Well, friends, it looks like Etude has a poem to share with us. Please, friends, let's remember he wrote this as a kitten. Part of his kitty poetry appreciation class in kittygarten. Not bad for a wee tyke. Poem for my Grammy... by Étude How do I fuzz thee? Let me count the ways… I fuzz thee from the bottom of my belly as it drags along da floor; I fuzz thee as I scratches at da closed up bafroom door, I fuzz thee from all da groomin’ done by Whiskers an’ her crew; I fuzz thee on da legs as you makes your morning brew. I fuzz thee on da towels as I rolls on da bafroom mat; I fuzz thee eberywhere because I am a cat. I fuzz thee in da morning; I fuzz thee noon an’ night. I fuzz thee even when you stop a silly kitty fight. I fuzz thee in da winter gale or in a summer breeze; I fuzz thee as I focus on my early morning sneeze. I fuzz thee in da springtime and in da cooler fall; But Grammy, I mus’ tell you, I fuzz thee always, always and bestest of all. Now I must say, that is sweet. Oh Etude, you can be so cute for a chubby overstuffed old duffer... and with that belly dragging you are best at fuzzing, for sure. P.S. Yesterday he fuzzed Grammy but good. As she went out the door to church in her long navy skirt he got her with a 3 inch swath of fur across the hem. Teehee... What a sight! Lucky someone told her so she could fix it. Ok, so back to my post. April has arrived and with it, warm sunshine. In fact, we had a week of delightful sun followed by days of warm rain. While the wind was still chilly on a few of those sunny days we loved every moment of sunpuddles we could curl up in. So, another poem... in fact two............... Early April The snow is melting quicker now Revealing greens peeking low; Amongst the ice and mud they peek. It is the warmth of sun they seek. Blue amongst the grass I see Grape Hyacinths, an early bee Greet morning sun, dispelling gloom Such glorious colour, delightful hum. Snowdrops so white as buds do ope’ Show promise of spring. It gives me hope For April’s upon us warm and bold Relinquish, Winter! Release your hold! ‘Tis time to rest for another year You’ll descend on us soon enough I fear For now head off to places far Give us a chance to smell the flower. April in the City
The leaf it buds upon the tree It makes me hum; I feel such glee That snow is spent; now grasses grow Amid the flowers, a verdant show. Outdoors I’ll be in spirit, though For in big city we cats don’t go Beyond the sill and window pane It isn’t safe so we home remain. But there we listen with deep intent To birds asinging, We are content To watch them soar as they go past Delighting in their joy. Spring, at last! © Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo - Mischief and Mayhem Central So there it is.... Stay tuned for next week when my poetry will take us off to Muddy Waters, Pennsylvania.. Comments are welcomed. Let's keep them light and fun... |
AuthorFive Cats, Five Personalities, One Goal - Mischief & Mayhem. Archives
August 2023