By Sweetie, Blogger of Silly Grammy Antics Hello, dear friends. Well, the old girl has done it again.. And this time she's done a bang-up job of it. What has she done? Well you might ask!! She lost her phone! Her only phone! The phone that she carried EVERYWHERE - Yes, even to the loo! Oops! Forget I said that! The phone she's had for at least 5 years. The phone that has all of our pictures on a memory card. The phone that has all of her contacts, calendar, notes to self, access to her medical apps and her life on it. The phone that locks itself after a few seconds of idleness. Also, the phone that wouldn't hold a charge anymore. The phone that emptied like the bathtub drain when Facebook was open. Or closed, by the end. The phone which buzzed in crazy ways on a schedule only known by it. The phone that echoed voices if someone called either person while they were on the phone talking together. The phone that has had the screen and battery replaced at least once over the years. The phone that needed to be laid to rest. And the phone Grammy kept procrastinating on replacing. Well, it looks like that phone took matters into its own digits and decided to retire - yes retire, jump ship, permanently hang up. Here's what happened. Grammy and her phone accompanied a friend to an appointment.... the phone taking a break settled into a pocket for its nap. Appointment over they were on their way to their next destination within the building. Grammy had wakened it up to check the calendar... then set it onto the rollator seat ... not back into her pocket. BIG MISTAKE! In trying to get through an uncooperative 'automatic' door said phone annoyed at being wakened must have seen his chance. At some point between there and the food court he jumped ship. Well, actually, he jumped rollator. It wasn't until after meals were consumed that Grammy reached for the phone and realized IT WAS GONE. GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in pockets, not in the basket, not on the floor beneath. GONE! Several phone calls to see if they could hear it ringing failed. Retracing steps systematically, with a slight detour to Security, right back to its last known location. Phoning it from there FAILED! The old crone, I mean phone, was AWOL. Now what? Fortunately Grammy's friend has a head on her shoulders that WORKS! So, nothing more to be done there they carried on to the next destination. AND fortuitously, Grammy's cellphone provider has an outlet within walking distance of that destination so they stopped off there first to cancel the SIM card. A very sweet and kind sales person set Grammy up with a new phone, a protective jacket and screen shield and a really great deal. And two additional bonuses? A free tablet with WiFi included for 2 years was part of the deal AND because everything was backed up to the cloud everything uploaded to the new phone without a hitch. Hmmm! It seems maybe one brain cell is still working in the old girls head. We could hope it'd jumpstart a few more. Not holding my breath though! Well, while I'm on here let me thank Grammy's friend, our Aunty, for being so patient, and understanding considering this isn't the first phone adventure they've had together. Thank you, Aunty. You're truly a treasure. Comments welcomed. We love them... especially when they are funny. *giggles*
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by Sweetie, feeling ornery and out of sorts kitty. Good morning, friends. Not sure why I'm writing this blog today except those boys are lazy and said it's a Civic holiday so they are taking theirs and it is my Civic duty to write the blog. Pffft! Typical. Did you hear that Mousie? *shakes head in annoyance* Oh, Mousie, I love you, sis. Friends, Mousie said she would write the blog since she's had a good few nights rest on Grammy's pillow and is full of pep. So friends, I hand you over to my sweet wee sister, Gentle Mouse. Hi friends. Mouse is in the house and feeling quite rested. So, I wanted to say this... Grammy has had her 2nd COVID injection with very little reaction. She felt tired and a little achy that first afternoon and evening but in the morning she was full of vim, vigour and vitality. So much so that she scooped boxes, cleaned, dusted and set up Roomba to vacuum then did clothing and towel laundry. BOY, maybe she should have a vaccine every week... *giggles* Well, with house clean, the next day she stripped the bed and washed bedding including the duvet. BIG Oooops! We mischievous kitties had clawed the duvet leaving slashes in the duvet. Down flying EVERYWHERE! Fortunately, only a couple of the batts are affected but time for the iron-on patches to seal up the damage before more downy softness escapes. So, that is on the agenda for the old girl but not before I get some cuddles. Oh, and there is a turkey meatloaf in the oven... and it smells delicious. Dinner - meatloaf, mashed potato and squash. Sometimes I wish I weren't a kitty, but only for a moment, then I'm glad I am 'cause I get all the attention and cuddles and stuff. Well, that's all for now. Grumpy has gone to bed. The boys, likewise. I'll stay and supervise Grammy while she knits. I'm such a good and responsible kitty. by Rondo, poet and songster. Good morning, friends. Today I'm a bit disgruntled. Oh, I know! It is spring finally and I should be happy but just wait until you hear what's going on today. Grammy is going out for a chocolate bar today and we aren't allowed to share it. At least she could bring home a nibble for each of us. Don't you agree? What's that, Sweetie? Sweetie: Not a Twix you goof. Twinrix. It's a needle. Do you want a needle in your leg? Huh? Rondo: She thinks she knows everything. (shouting out loud) You're spoofing me, Sweetie. Grammy wouldn't go willingly for a needle. She's either going for a candy bar or she's going out for breakfast. I heard her say Twix. Well, if it isn't a candybar maybe she's going for breakfast. That's almost as bad. Doesn't she know Twix are for kitts not old people. It ways so in the cereal commercials. *Walks off in a huff* Sweetie shakes her head... no talking to him. (chuckles to herself) Well, he's gone. Guess I'll finish the blog. Wait until he hears about his outing! *giggles* Yep! He and Etude are off to the vettie on Friday for a claw trim and health checkup *tehee* but not Mousie and me. We girls are perfect. Yep! See how 'disgruntled' he'll be then. See you next week. I'm sure he'll have lots to say then though it may not be printable. Have a great week, friends. Love from Mischief and Mayhem Central. by Sweetie, motivator and fitness trainer. Good morning, dear friends. Not sure if you have made resolutions for 2021. If not, I'd be happy to help you with some. Grammy, as usual, hasn't made any... so I've put together a few for her. 1. Feed us on demand... ours... not hers, 2. Play with us every day at least 5 times a day, 3. Share the bed - not take it over, 4. Cuddles.... give us lots and lots of cuddles, snuggles and kisses, 5. Groom us daily, 6. Feed us on demand... ours... not hers. And the resolutions we furballs have set for ourselves ... 1. Do our daily fitness routine: examples of a fitness routine specifically designed for the M&M crew shown in slideshow below. 2. Accept all pampering with grace and equanimity. Yes, that's it for us. *giggles* Comments are welcomed. by Mousie, chronicler of Mischief and Mayhem. Good afternoon, dear friends. And so, mischief ensues... Yes, I know this is a surprise to you, dear readers, since we are all well-behaved, gentlecats. But, it does. A little background here... Yesterday Grammy's neighbour, the gem we've spoken of in the past, brought groceries once again. She is such a dear, sweet young woman. Grammy heard the knock at the door... a tiny wee knock. It was her youngest daughter knocking, we think. Camille! When Grammy opened the door there she was with sister Evangeline and mummy standing on the opposite side of the hall. Groceries were passed to Grammy and while she stood inside they chatted for a moment and 'what to her wondering eyes' did Grammy see? RONDO - The resident scaredy cat sauntered nonchalantly past Grammy looked down the hall, then wandered out a few paces! Everyone stood there in shock! He's never shown an interest in going out until this week. When Grammy set the recycling bag outside the door a few days ago he peeked past her ankle but stayed on the inside of the threshold. This time he actually walked a few steps down the hall, turned around and howled at Grammy in disgust. I think he was looking for food. Since there wasn't any inside he thought maybe he'd have better luck with the neighbours. Well, when that didn't pan out he stomped back inside past Grammy snorting in disgust. I think he said something like, 'you got groceries, so where are ours?' He does have a point! Sweetie spends a lot of her time on the window ledges watching the neighbours. She relays her observations to the rest of us ad nauseum... but at least it keeps her amused and we cats can ignore that which we don't want to attend to... as you well know. We kitties are a little tired of having Grammy home 24/7. She constantly photographs us... in the litter box (embarrassing), sleeping, eating, being cute. It's a bit much. But then, on the other hand, we do like the extra cuddles and snuggles. So, we take the good with the bad. But we are giving Grammy a lot of cheek in return. Now that Spring has arrived we are getting into the spirit of it and romping around the condo, bouncing off walls and furniture and when Grammy's napping, off her too. We love to startle her awake with a, "Oomph! What was that?" We have the best fun when she picks up the camera. She grabs it to take videos of us racing around chasing imaginary critters or chatting with her and we immediately settle down to nap. No way is she going to capture us getting into mischief. We know she'd hold it over us and demand bribes. She's incorrigible. Well, dear friends. That's all for this week. Enjoy the slideshow below. Our latest photoshoot. *giggles* Comments are welcomed. by Etude, the quiet, well-behaved, cuddlebunny. Well dear friends, Grammy developed another 10 grey hairs overnight AND I DIDN'T cause them this time. Last evening after our last feed of the day/night Grammy prepared the bed to crawl in, making sure the duvet was placed properly to tent me. Well, it was to tent her legs but I love sleeping in there and so, we both benefit. Then she plumped her pillows and got them ready close to the bottom of the bed. Yes, she's crazy as a loon. She sleeps backwards head at the bottom and feet at the top. Looney-toons, that's our Grammy. Once the food dishes are gathered, washed and put away she opens the bedroom door and let's the girls out to roam and Rondo and I immediately head into the bedroom. We're banned from it during the day to allow the girls a safe-haven from rambunctious boys. Or that's what Grammy says. What is she talking about? Can't be Rondo and me! We are models of good gentlemanly behaviour. *shout from the livingroom* EXCEPT WHEN YOU BITE LITTLE GIRLY BACKS. Hush, Grammy. This is my blog. As I said, we are models of good behaviour but frustrated at being omitted from half the snoozing spots in this condo. We have to let spoiled girlies know how we feel. It's only fair! They come and go through the cat door as they wish. *another shout* AND YOU COULD TOO IF YOU LOST SOME WEIGHT, CHUBBOS! Ignore the old dear. Let's move on, shall we? The bedroom door is opened at bedtime and immediately I head for the duvet while Rondo either hangs his head over the local water dish or stretches out beside the pillows and waits for Grammy's cuddles. Mousie and Whiskers head for the livingroom and hunker down out there for a while before returning to take over Grammy's pillows. They push and shove her head out of the way so they can centre their chubby butts esthetically on said pillows and settle in for the night. Where's Sweetie in all this kerfuffle? Doing her rounds, checking for errant snowflakes, oak leaves and dust bunnies. No insurgents in the area, she'll settle on the blanket on the dresser or the kitty condo to watch over us. So, back to last night. Grammy crawled in around us and stretched out for the night. Other than a couple of interruptions to use the human litterbox OUR night was undisturbed until … Sometime before dawn - bang, crash, clatter, rumble, cat-screeches and scrambles and Grammy and we were all upright on the floor, eyes wide. We furries put on our innocent faces but looked concerned. It took the old girl a while to don glasses, search the condo and locate the source of the calamity. Well, it served her right! She was up earlier than she'd like but if, before she crawled into bed she'd put the lid on the fresh litter bin and set the scoop against it as she should Sweetie wouldn't have bounced off the dresser onto the lid flipping herself into the litter box and it and the scoop into the empty bin. So there! The bin din was Grammy's fault. And so, moral to the story is.... do what you ought when you ought, Grammy so we have free reign to do whatever and be our mischievous selves. That is, if you want to sleep in until 7. Oh and, the grey suits you, old dear but we'll have to work on a little more to even it out. So, dear friends. As we close we have to say this. That bin is still empty. More grey hairs might show up tomorrow if she doesn't take care of it before bedtime.
Comments are welcomed. We love to hear from our friends. By Etude, aka Eureka, one of the Hoover Brothers *giggles* and M&M Central crew. Dear friends, I am having a fit about getting fit so I am not ready to blog about much today. As a substitute I have put together a collection of creations by Grammy of the Mischief and Mayhem kind. Why am I having a fit, you ask? Well, because last week Grammy bought a harness and leash and is forcing me to exercise. This is cruel and unusual punishment for a cat. Dogs go on leashes. Cats do NOT! We should be allowed to roam free of encumbrances like a harness, be lazy, eat what we want and do what we want when we want to. None of this namby-pamby leash walking. So, I'm having a hissy fit and have decided not to write a blog. Instead, please enjoy the video that Grammy put together for me. A Collage of Mischief and Mayhem Miscellany. Love you all. Etude, the Chubby Lovebug PS. Oh no! I did write a blog! Oh bother! as WtP would say! Comments are welcome (especially if you agree with me about leashes and exercise). Otherwise, I'll respond after my nap. |
AuthorFive Cats, Five Personalities, One Goal - Mischief & Mayhem. Archives
August 2023