Rondo, Poet and Balladeer Friends I'm back and excited. Spring is sooo close. Tomorrow, they say. Still doesn't feel like it though. Hmmm. Well, let's change topics then.. You know we love our Grammy to the moon and beyond but what fun is it if we cannot tease her? EXACTLY! None whatsoever! Now that Grammy has been feeling better I felt it was time to write a poem about her. But before I do, I should tell you that she is a softy. (Read our bios and past blogs and you'll see.) Soft in the head no doubt! Soft in the heart for animals, absolutely! And Soft in the body for cuddles, for sure! Yes, that's our Grammy. An old softy. But the poem is not about just that side of Grammy. She is a multi-faceted critter and has a tough side too. Truly, she has. So here goes... Grammy Grammy slave, the dear ol’ bat She knits and knits, Now what’s with that? We don’t see toys with ‘nip and yarn But mitts and gloves and hats, not our’n. She’s good to scoop, She’s good to feed Our every whim. Our every need Is met and more But then she ope’s that dreaded door And out she brings that fearsome beast Our toes and floof on which to feast. It rumbles here, it rumbles there And all the while it picks up hair It looks for us as on it roars But we are far above the floors. On beds and nests above the din We hunker down and wait until That mean old beast has had its fill. On other days she clears her slate To chase us down and check our weight. The girls don’t mind, they are so slight But Etude and I, it’s a major fight. The daily agenda, tell you I must Is nasty. We're fed barely a crust. She doles out bits, there’s never a slew Of kibble or plates of turducken stew. Five times a day she refuses to budge, As downing her coffee, bacon and fudge, With nary a thought for our diminishing bumps. Says that should do you, you weighty lumps. At night as she sleeps down deep in her cot Sweetie, the colt, upon her will plop From cat tree or bureau or from heaven knows where To chase away beasties imagined - not there. The other two girls will groom her with ease Styling her hair, her fingers and knees Rasping and grating her skin, once so smooth. For doing this, their psyches it doth soothe. We boys are such angels, we warm up her bed We stretch out our girths, a very wide spread To cozy it up for our Grammy so that The dear is all snuggly when she comes to her mat. Then, at ev’ning late as she crawls into bed She takes the blankets and covers her head; Says you boys are furry, don’t need this duvet With nary a thought as we shiver away. She hides from the girls ‘neath that cozy old sheet In hopes that those tongues her head doesn’t meet. For Sweetie she hasn’t a solution as yet But tolerate she will. She's her darling wee pet. We love her dearly. The soft, daffy thing, Gives kisses and such, and even will sing She cuddles and snuggles when her work is complete Now shush! Don't tell her! She truly is sweet. © Whiskers, Mouse, Sweetie, Etude & Rondo - Mischief and Mayhem Central Comments are always welcome and usually fun. We'll respond to you quickly before day is done. Mischief and Mayhem Central 2020
3/19/2018 09:31:23 am
Your grammy sings? MOUSES! My Peep #1 caterwauls. Now tell me, when your grammy, the ol' softy, sings, does she sing "Soft Kitty?" Inquirin' minds wanna know. PURRS.
3/19/2018 10:43:39 am
My dear feline friend, Seville
3/19/2018 11:29:37 am
Grammy doesn't know Soft Kitty? She has GOT to start watchin' the Big Bang Theory. It's Sheldon's FAVOURITE song. purrs
Edie Chase
3/19/2018 10:13:55 am
That was a great poem.
3/19/2018 10:47:03 am
Aunt Edie, what a dear!
Tammy Acker
3/19/2018 12:43:45 pm
Oh, Rondo, you are getting really good at this poetry stuff. We all know how you all feel about Grammy! And she knows it too!
3/19/2018 12:59:23 pm
Dear Aunty Tammy. Thank you for this
Terry Loftin
3/19/2018 01:34:10 pm
RHYMING RONDO this is one of your best yet!I can truly see how much you love and appreciate Grammy!She is lucky to have such devoted kids!Hugs and kisses from RAINA and me to all of you!💖🌞
3/19/2018 01:44:04 pm
Aunt Terry, Raina, wee bird
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August 2023